Let me make a disclaimer: I am not here to try and convert anyone or ruffle any feathers. I am a new-found vegetarian (about 5 months) with a new outlook on life and I feel it's important for me to share some of these ideas I have adopted. That is all.
First, becoming a vegetarian was a sort of spur of the moment decision for me. While in Greece this summer, my sister convinced me to go green after seeing countless butcher shops that we literally could not bring our selves to enter because of what we saw. Now, she is 16 and has been living the veggie life for a little over two years, so that experience only affirmed her beliefs. Me on the other hand, I was semi-oblivious to things of that nature, so it was more shocking than anything. A few days later I thought, what the heck, let's try this out and see how it goes. I couldn't be more happy with my choice.
It's true, health reasons did play a semi-important factor in my decision, but probably the single biggest factor contributing to my new lifestyle is that of animal cruelty. Like I said before, I'm not trying to convert anyone, but I would like to share some facts and information --take them for what they're worth.
A lot of people eat meat or fish, but rarely do they know where it comes from.
Take, for example, chicken:
Did you know that chickens are given so many steroids that their bones, specifically their legs, can no longer support them and they break? Or that their organs simply cannot take it anymore and they quit functioning all together? Talk about cruel.
According to GoVeg, "Animals on today's factory farms have no legal protection from cruelty that would be illegal if it were inflicted on dogs or cats: neglect, mutilation, genetic manipulation, and drug regimens that cause chronic pain, transport through all weather extremes, and gruesome and violent slaughter. Yet farmed animals are no less intelligent or capable of feeling pain than are the dogs or cats we cherish as companions."
Just something to think about.
Also check out Kentucky Fried Cruelty.
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